I am glad that sometime yesterday I floated back to Earth and stopped being such a space case. I am even proud to say that Jake and I got some painting done in the dining room/kitchen last night! There are some touch ups that need to be made and then I can finally move my dining room back to where it is supposed to be! I'm doing it, friends! Finally!
Yesterday I also went out and bought backing and binding for Baby Zig!
I love it.
And then I basted this morning.
I decided this morning how I am going to quilt it and I think I'll probably (read, hopefully) be able to quilt it all tomorrow! Wouldn't that be great?!
Now, I'm curious about something. If I had an endless supply of fabric and could quilt for free, I would do so. No restrictions. No sleep. Select food. But, that's not the case and quilting isn't exactly an inexpensive hobby! So, what I have begun to do is collect fat quarters a bit at a time, as a find them, for a specific project. Then I just hoard them until I have enough. Does anyone else do this?
Yesterday when I was out buying fabric I bought some fat quarters for future projects. And I love them sitting on my shelf. I feel a sort of satisfaction about purposefully hoarding. Like I just found a reason to hoard. I must admit, it feels wonderful in a smug sort of "I found a loop hole" way.
Anyways... I decided sometime last year that I want to have a quilt for each month of the year for the couch and each quilt should reflect that month. Obviously, February is going to reflect Valentines day. I would have started earlier, but I only just recently found a Valentine-sy pattern that I love! But it requires more fabric than I can buy right now and I just don't have time to get it done in time for Valentines day. So, I'm going to collect (read, hoard) fabric and it will sit on my shelves until later this year! How fun is that?!
I intend on buying more Valentines day fabric when they inevitably go on sale in a few weeks. Brilliant.
The pattern is in the current issue of
Quilty and I am in love with it!
So, because I love this idea and I enjoy buying little fat quarters at a time, I have another quilt I am doing this for, too.
This quilt, because of it's leaves and autumn colors, will be for one of the fall months. This pattern is from
Pretty In Patchwork Holidays book by John Q. Adams. This particular pattern is by
So there you go. For those of you looking for a reason to hoard - this is a pretty good one... And for anyone looking for some seasonal quilt ideas, I think these two are top notch.
What reasons do you have to hoard fabric?
Currently Listening to: Wild Country by Wake Owl (currently addicted)