
Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Monday!

It sure has been awhile since I've posted on a Monday, huh?

Well, I've been so excited about the changes to my little blog that I just had to post today!  At the moment, I am pretty sure that all my internal links are updated to the new address and should be leading to the intended pages.  If you come across a link that's not working properly, please let me know and I will fix it stat!  Thank you for your patience as I iron out the kinks!

So, I guess I should say... Welcome to Bauer Handcrafted!

I had been searching for sort of a "brand" that I could put on labels and business cards and such, but I had such a difficult time.  "Scraps for Omi" was sort of just a place holder and I knew I was going to change it.  After some in put from friends and family, I decided on Bauer Handcrafted.  I am super excited for this little change!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the new look and new little features.  I'll be adding some more little things throughout the week.

For now, I wish you all a great Monday, my friends!

Currently Listening to: Constant Conversations by Passion Pit

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